-If you have not yet read The Shipping News and you wish to remain ignorant of key plot points, stop reading. You’ve been warned.- I had read Close Range (Proulx’s…
http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/01/the-county-kern-county-deadliest-police-killings British newspaper The Guardian has been running a series of reports into police violence in America, and as part of that project, they produced one of the best pieces…
“Proof: The Science of Booze” is a wonderfully fun read about alcohol in it’s every context. Wired writer/editor and Übergeek journalist Adam Rogers has a contagious passion for the study…
http://www.thricefiction.com/ Thrice Fiction is a free lit mag. They publish some damn good stories, most of which can be defined as short-shorts (...not those kind of short-shorts) or longer flash…
Yup, more rock journalism. I’m not tired of it yet. Cavanagh sights in perfectly here, focusing on the album itself and only touching on the tumultuous events that followed (the…
Kim Cooper’s 33⅓ entry on Neutral Milk Hotel’s magnum opus In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is a good read for fans of the album, the band, or the alternative…