I’ve started to keep a journal of my writing. More specifically, I’ve dedicated a paragraph-long section of my daily journal to writing about my writing, detailing the progress I’m making…
Colum McCann’s prose has some of the “Old Testament on LSD” lyricism of Cormac McCarthy, but mellowed by a much more linear and human narrative. “Everything in This Country…
Denis Johnson’s latest novel is dark. This is not uncharted territory for the man, but the bleakness here is obliterating. There is a detached and passive depression in the…
Image via The Paris Review http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews Just a bit of a PSA today. Unless you have an ontological opposition to reading interviews, you should absolutely check out the…
image via Goodreads Saunders is very much a known entity, but that’s certainly no strike against the man. He’s got a style that (among many other things) seems to both…
The Grapes of Wrath is another one of those American classics that I somehow avoided reading in high school. Getting to read all of these canonical tomes as an adult…
I almost didn’t make it through Tender is the Night. I think I only pushed through the god-awful first act because the book is considered Fitzgerald’s best, and I wanted…
One of my favorite novels of the year, this book does very many things extremely well. It’s one of the best examples of free indirect narrations I’ve ever come across,…
This is one of the seminal short story collections of the last few years (or, as some less charitable critics might put it, one of the last dying gasps of…